Marcia's Blog is a lifestyle change and dieting blog written by a beloved and respected nutritionist/weight loss counselor/lecturer Marcia Bodenstein. She has helped thousands of kosher consumers achieve and maintain weight loss.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Thank you everyone for the comments to Marcia's Blog. It is so reassuring to know that we are all on the same page, think alike and have all the same questions, concerns and challenges. Dear lovetoeat - the whole point of adopting this healthy lifestyle is to have the freedom to go anywhere and partake in every simcha and Yom Tov because we have mentally and physically prepared ourselves for success. "Binge-proofing" means taking all the necessary steps so that when faced with the temptation we are well armed. First of all, remember when a simcha was a dreaded event? Nothing to wear, hate the way we looked and felt? Now, a few pounds lighter, and a with a new "lighter" attitude, we go in pride. BUT, before you go, eat a soup, a salad, a fruit and a yogurt so that you go comfortably satisfied and not ready to eat anything in sight. Then when the food is served, you can make an intelligent choice (which you cannot do if you are overhungry or bingeing out of control). As far as the pizza store - not only can you walk past - YOU CAN WALK IN!! There are so many healthy alternatives now in all the pizza shops (not like when I was growing up), anyone's food preferences can be accommodated. What's more - you can have pizza. Yes, that's right - real pizza. They even have pizza with a bunch of veggies on top. BUT, make sure that you complement it with a nice salad so that it is a filling meal. Also, try cutting that slice in half and eating with a knife and fork - it makes the meal last a little longer and forces us to eat a little slower. As far as entertaining, what a great way to use your imagination, your ingenuity and your new-found knowledge. We think that we have to overcook when we entertain and overeat when we are entertained - neither is true. Your guests want to eat in a healthier way, like you do. Whatever dish you have prepared pre-Start Fresh can be made lower-calorie and lower- fat. And what are you emphasizing - is there loads of cake and not a fruit in sight? Are there loads of processed carbs with nary a vegetable or whole grain?
Simchas, eating out and entertaining needs to be about more than just eating. It's about the ambiance, the company, the comeraderie, the good conversation and some laughs. When the entire focus is on the food, it definitely takes something away, don't you think?
To bottomlesspit - talking yourself thin comes with training and practice. First, let's take a good look at our "diet talk" - "I can't do this", "It's so hard" "It's a lifetime struggle". So much of this is taping over those old tapes and changing our food talk:
Old talk "I'm on vacation..."
NEW TALK "I've been on vacation from healthy eating for years. I want to enjoy this vacation and come back looking and feeling good. I dont want to undo everything I've accomplished so far".
Old talk "It's free" (at a buffet)
NEW TALK "Nothing is free. Overeating comes with great consequence that I no longer want to pay" .
Old talk "I'll have just one"
NEW TALK "I have never been able to have just one and if I don't start, I will not have to worry about how much I am going to eat - one is too many and a hundred are not enough" .
Old talk "It looks so good"
NEW TALK "If I eat it, I'll have to wear it"
See the difference in the sef-talk? Remember that you really want to lose the weight and change the relationship with food. We have gotten through some really tough times in the past and will get through this too. The most important thing you can say to yourself is "I WANT TO DO THIS, I CAN DO IT, AND I WILL DO IT".


Anonymous said...

Thanks for some of the new thoughts.
I am especially guilty of the one of thinking I can take just one. Even though in the past..I didn't stop at one...some how I still believe that this time I can. I must recognize my addiction and not start the binge with that "just one bite". No bites!

Anonymous said...

I am some steps behind you. I keep on pushing off commitment. It's not tomorrow we diet, it's next week we diet. Then comes the weekend and when Sunday dawns I am unprepared and I just have to think to myself "next week" and I'm already reaching for that piece of cake.
I am writing about this because I need to be accountable...

Anonymous said...

In the past as well as now, I have found the key to success is to plan ahead. Choose a few days of menus. Get the shopping list. Be prepared.
Also, just commit to one day at at time. I can so relate to not being able to commit. There is always some event coming up. My old thinking would have been: Why start? I won't be able to control myself there,then, etc. Marcia has given us a good point to change our old thoughts to new ones. Shabbos is so much easier if you have all your food planned and prepared. You can do it! (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your care and concern. The first thing I did after reading your comment was get some water and an orange. Somebody out there is supporting ME.